Monday, February 26, 2018

Living With Red Daniel Part 6; The Woods

Acelegin; Okay, Red. I need you to run an errand for me.

Red Daniel; Okay. What do you need?

Acelegin; I need you to go to the Dollar General for me.

Red Daniel; Okay.

Acelegin; And while you're there, I need you to pick up some toilet paper and a hair dryer.

Red Daniel; Got it. Toilet paper and hair dryer.

Acelegin; Don't forget.

Red Daniel; I won't, I won't! But why can't you go yourself?

Acelegin straps his sword across his back.

Acelegin; Sal wants to spar with me, so I'm gonna be a bit busy today.

Red Daniel; Cool. Ask him about my schedule for me, alright?

Acelegin; Fine, whatever.

Later, outside Sal's.

Acelegin; Alright, you ready?

Sal draws his sword.

Sal; Sure am. You?

Acelegin draws his sword as well.

Acelegin; Sure thing. But why do you wanna spar so badly?

Sal; Need to hone my skills somehow.

Acelegin; Alright. Let's get started.

Acelegin and Sal get into fighting stances, but before they can begin, Acelegin suddenly vanishes.

Sal; Wait, what the...

Sal sands motionless for a few seconds, perplexed.

Sal; God damn it! Now who am I supposed to spar with!?

Meanwhile, Acelegin reappears in a dark, heavily wooded area.

Acelegin; What?

Acelegin glances around, unsure of where he is.

Acelegin; God damn it! Hate when this happens...

Meanwhile, back in town, Red Daniel is on his way to the store, repeating the items his was asked to purchase in order to keep them in his memory.

Red Daniel; Toilet paper and hair dryer. Toilet paper and hair dryer. Toilet paper and hair dryer.

As he walks, a couple of cute girls walk past him in the opposite direction. He becomes momentarily distracted as he watches them pass.

Red Daniel; Toilet dryer and hair paper...

Red Daniel pauses for a moment.

Red Daniel; What store was I going to again?

Back in the woods, Acelegin is wandering around looking for a way out. He has his sword drawn in order to cut through any vines or bushes that might get in his way.

Acelegin; How the fuck did I wind up here? Ugh. There's gotta be a way out somewhere.

After several minutes of walking, Acelegin encounters a beautiful woman, dressed in a black silk gown, with flowing blonde hair even longer than she is tall. Her hair seems to float somewhat, not touching the ground at all.

Acelegin; Um.. hi...

The girl chuckles and beckons Acelegin to follow her. She then weightlessly glides into the distance.

Acelegin; Damn it. Why can't I talk to girls...

Acelegin pulls himself together and begins chasing after her.

Acelegin; Wait up! Do you know a way out of here?

Meanwhile, outside of a Home Depot.

Red Daniel; Here we are! Home Depot! I'm sure they'll have... whatever it is I was looking for...

Red Daniel enters that store and begins his blind search. After of few minutes, he accidentally bumps shoulders with a man with shaggy, mousy brown hair, dressed in a leather coat over a navy blue hoody. Red Daniel turns to the man, annoyed.

Red Daniel; Hey! Watch where you're going, bro!

The man stops and looks at Red Daniel with his stunningly bright green eyes. He addresses Red Daniel in a British accent.

Man; Sorry, mate. But from where I'm standing, this encounter seems like your fault.

Red Daniel grits his teeth.

Man; Now, if you'll excuse me, I've shopping to attend to.

The man turns away and begins walking off. Red Daniel racks his brain for a few seconds before calling after him.

Red Daniel; I know you!

The man stops in his tracks.

Man; Do you, now?

Red Daniel; Ben Malkator, right?

The man chuckles, and turns to Red Daniel.

Malkator; So you have met me before. Might I ask where?

Red Daniel; Back in my original universe I got thrown into a crazy death tournament. You were my semi-final opponent.

Malkator; Oh really?

Red Daniel grins.

Red Daniel; I mopped the floor with you.

Malkator grins as well. His pupils expand, eclipsing his green irises.

Malkator; Well then. That iteration of me must've been pretty damn inexperienced to lose to a bloke like you.

Red Daniel; I doubt this iteration of you could do much better.

Malkator; Well I say. That's not a challenge, is it?

Red Daniel; It just might be.

Malkaor's expression becomes serious.

Malkator; I promise you. If you go through with this, it won't end well for you.

Red Daniel takes a fighting stance.

Red Daniel; I'll take those odds.

Malkator also takes a fighting stance.

Malkator; Don't say I didn't warn you.

Red Daniel and Malkator charge a each other. Red Daniel throws a right hook, that Malkator easily blocks before getting in several close jabs to Red Daniel's torso. Red Daniel manages to push Malkator away and then aims a thrust kick at Malkator's midsection. Malkator vanishes before the kick connects, and as Red Daniel's eyes widen in surprise, Malkator reappears behind Red Daniel and hits him with a swift side kick to his kidney. Red Daniel stumbles forward before straightening up and turning back to Malkator, grinning.

Red Daniel; Thank you, daddy. Got any more of that in you?

Malkator cringes a little.

Malkator; I got plenty. How 'bout you?

Red Daniel; Oh-ho-ho. I'm just gettin' started.

Malkator tightens his fighting stance.

Malkator; Well then, Daniel Xavier Ferris, shall we continue?

Red Daniel chuckles, returning to his own stance.

Red Daniel; Please. Call me Red.

Meanwhile, back in the woods, the woman comes to a stop in a wide clearing. Acelegin catches up shortly after.

Acelegin; So, where is this place exactly? Are you gonna answer any of my questions?

The woman sits down, smiling, nd gestures for Acelegin to join her.

Acelegin; Um, I think I'll just... stay over here for now...

The woman parts her lips and speaks a single word in a hushed voice.

Woman; Come...

Acelegin; Look, it's empting, but we just met. I don' even know your name. And...

Acelegin rests his sword on his shoulder and glares at the woman.

Acelegin; This is clearly some kind of trick.

The woman hangs her head, and floats limply into the air. The space behind her starts rippling, as a creature seems to materialize there.

Acelegin; What in the hell?

A massive mosquito-like creature towers over Acelegin. The woman dangles from a tentacle attached to the back of her head, linking her to the creature's forehead.

Acelegin; She's a lure?

The creature stabs its proboscis at Acelegin, who manages to deflect it with his sword. Acelegin runs to the side, trying to gain some distance. The creature swings its lure at Acelegin, and the woman's hands morph into giant mantis claws as she lets out a shriek and attacks Acelegin with them. Acelegin parries blocks her with his sword.

Acelegin; Oh come on! That's not fair!

Meanwhile, at the Home Depot, Red Daniel and Malkator continue their fight. Malkator lands a strong hit on Red Daniel's ribcage, breaking a few of his ribs. Red Daniel steps back, chuckling.

Red Daniel; Heh. You're pretty good.

Malkator; That makes one of us.

Red Daniel's blood repositions his broken ribs and fuses them back together.

Malkator; So you've got healing powers.

Red Daniel; You noticed? That's pretty observant.

Malkator; You have no idea...

The two begin fighting again. Malkator dodges some of Red Daniel's attacks and catches his arm in a vice grip. He shifts his weight and hurls Red Daniel into a nearby shelf. Some nails embed themselves in Red Daniel's arm. Red Daniel picks himself back up and turns to face Malkator, smiling.

Red Daniel; Bad idea making me bleed, buddy.

Malkator; Is it now?

Red Daniel yanks he nails from his arm. His blood rapidly expands and crystalizes into several large, jagged shards.

Red Daniel; Take this, jackass!

Red Daniel launches the shards a Malkator. Malkator casually dodges them all, and grabs one as it flies past and charges at Red Daniel, smashing it over his head. A sword of crystalized blood forms in Red Daniel's hand, which he swings at Malkator. Malkator continues dodging the blade and lands a few punches on Red Daniel's midsection. Red Daniel swing his sword again, but Malkator vanishes and reappears a few feet away. Malkator rolls up his right sleeve as Red Daniel forms more crystal shards.

Malkator; More of these, eh?

The shards surround Malkator from all angles.

Red Daniel; Dodge this!

Red Daniel sends them all flying at Malkator, who vanishes again. Malkator reappears behind Red Daniel. A red blade made of chitin grows from Malkator's forearm, and he slashes Red Daniel across the back with it. Red Daniel's blood hardens in time to stop most of the damage.

Red Daniel; Son of a bitch!

Red Daniel turns sharply, and clashes blades with Malkator. He swings his crystal sword repeatedly, as Malkator continues blocking with his arm blade. Red Daniel's assault slows down a bit as fatigue sets in. Malkator notices this, and draws his arm back o counter attack. He slashes at Red Daniel, shattering his crystal sword. Red Daniel's eyes widen in surprise before Malkator kicks him hard in the chest, sending him crashing to the ground, several feet away.

Malkator; Had enough yet?

Between pants, Red Daniel lets out a soft laugh.

Red Daniel; I could go all day.

Red Daniel rises to his feet, wiping some blood away from his mouth.

Red Daniel; But first, I got a question for you, pal.

Malkator; And what would that be?

Red Daniel closes his eyes, falling silent. He opens his eyes again. His eyes are now glowing with a deep, crimson light.

Red Daniel; Why the fuck are you still holding back?

Malkator snickers at that comment, as he rolls up his other sleeve.

Malkator; I could ask the same thing.

A second blade sprouts from Malkator's other arm, and a set of large wings grow from his back. Two smaller blades, almost like horns, grow from his forehead, and his black pupils grow even larger, enveloping his eyes entirely. Red Daniel's body is engulfed in red light, and his hair and clothes begin waving as if in wind. The wo charge at each other once more.

Back in the clearing, Acelegin continues to fight for his life against the mosquito and its lure.

Acelegin; What the fuck even is this thing!?

Acelegin manages to block more of the lure's blows, and lands a cut on one its collarbones. He darts behind it, and prepares to stab it from behind. Before he can, its hair entangles his arm and twists hard, causing him o drop his sword.

Acelegin; Ah! What the hell?

More of its hair entangles the rest of his limbs, and lifts him helplessly into the air.

Acelegin; Shit!

The mosquito stands upright, prepared to impale Acelegin on its proboscis. Another figure suddenly falls from the sky, slashing through the lure's hair with a katana. Acelegin falls to the ground, as the lure les out a blood curdling scream. The mosquito emits a low sound almost like a cry of rage.

The new figure lands on the ground next to Acelegin. He lowers the hood of his longcoat, revealing himself to be another Daniel. He has long hair, and his skin seems paler than normal.

The mosquito lets out another noise, stabbing its proboscis at the new Daniel, who calmly steps aside, causing the proboscis to stab into a tree, becoming stuck there.

Mystery Daniel; Nice stinger.

The new Daniel raises his katana, which begins glowing white.

Mystery Daniel; Here's mine.

The blade of the katana rapidly extends, piercing one of the creature's multifaceted eyes. It's lets out a pained screech and pulls its proboscis from the tree. It spreads its wings and flees, leaving Acelegin and the Daniel alone. Acelegin brushes the severed hairs, that seem to be bleeding, away from him and stands up.

Acelegin; Long time no see, Dark. Your complexion's looking better.

Dark Daniel ignores Acelegin's comment. His katana returns to it's normal length, and he slides it back into its sheath.

Acelegin; So I guess you can control the Devil Killer mutations, now?

Dark Daniel; For the most part. It wasn't easy.

Acelegin; I like the new coat.

Dark Daniel; I needed a new one. But that's besides the point. What the hell are you doing here?

Acelegin; Dunno. Teleported here somehow. You?

Dark Daniel remains quiet for a few seconds before speaking.

Dark Daniel; I came here to train.

Acelegin; Okay. So where are we, anyway?

Dark Daniel; The Dreadwoods. Not somewhere normal people should be coming to. That Stealth Mosquito you just saw is one of the friendlier things one can fall victim to around here.

Acelegin; Well, in that case, it would sure be great if I knew the way out.

Dark Daniel sighs.

Dark Daniel; Fine. If I et you back home, will you agree to stay the hell away from this place?

Acelegin; Uh, sure. But could you bring me to Sal's, instead?

Dark Daniel; Whatever.

Acelegin retrieves his sword as Dark Daniel grabs him by the shoulder.

Dark Daniel; Brace yourself. This'll hurt a bit.

The two of them disappear, and then reappear outside of Sal's. Acelegin collapses in pain.

Acelegin; Holy shit! It feels like my bones are on fire!

Dark Daniel shrugs.

Dark Daniel; Take's some getting used to.

Acelegin; Yeah, no shit!

Acelegin rises to his feet, brushing himself off.

Acelegin; I'm glad Red's not here to make a "first time" joke.

Sal; Ace! Where the hell did you go?

Dark Daniel; Idiot got himself lost in the Dreadwoods. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd rather not stick around here any longer then I have to. The ore distance there is between me and that Red creep, the better.

Dark Daniel vanishes.

Acelegin; Sorry about all that. It too late to pick up where we left off?

Sal; Another time. You look beat.

Acelegin; Yeah. Today was... intense. I should head home.

Sal; Alright. See you later.

Back at the Home Depot, the powered up Red Daniel and Malkator resume their fight. Malkator slashes downward with one of his arm blades, but Red Daniel blocks it with one of his arms. The blade doesn't harm him at all. Malkator attempts to stab Red Daniel with his other blade, but Red Daniel catches it with his free hand and tries to kick Malkator, who teleports away and reappears behind Red Daniel, attempting another slash. Red Daniel blocks it again and releases a pulse of red light from his body, knocking Malkator backward. He then raises a hand and fires a beam of red light at Malkator, who teleports upwards, away from the blast.

Malkator; So you were hiding this much power. I'm impressed.

Malkator spreads his wings wider and readies his blades.

Malkator; Not impressed enough to back down, though!

Malkator charges at Red Daniel, arm pulled back nd ready to strike. Red Daniel calmly raises a hand up to Malkator's face as he gets close, and Malkator freezes for a split second, surprised by this.

Red Daniel; Drown.

Red light flows into Malkator's eyes, and he clasps his head in his hands as a memory surfaces. He sees himself, as a young boy, on his knees, weeping. There are scratch marks on his face, and dirt on his clothing. In front of him is a girl, not much older than himself. There are dark bruises around her throat, and blood on her finger nails. She lays lifeless in the grass in front of him. Another boy enters the scene, looking at what had happened. He sees he girl. He sees the bruises on her throat and the blood on her nails. He sees the scratches on young Malkator's face. His eyes light up with fury, and he charges a young Malkator.

Malkator; NO!!!

Malkator snaps out of the illusion, and kicks Red Daniel hard in the chest, sending him flying away.

Malkator; I won't be broken by guilt! Not again.

Red Daniel rises to his feet, only weakened slightly, and grins.

Red Daniel; Still got fight in you after that? Good. I was worried you might have a conscious.

Malkator growls through his teeth and whispers to himself.

Malkator; Damn him! That aura of his is messing with my vision. I can barely predict his actions any more.

Malkator's arm blades are engulfed in silver light.

Red Daniel; Oh?

Malkator; I'll just have to up my game a bit more!

Malkator glides closer to Red Daniel, and he two continue trading blows. Red Daniel releases another pulse of light, which Malkator manages to teleport away from. Red Daniel charges a blast of light in one hand. Malkator swings one of his arm blades through the air, sending of wave of silver energy at Red Daniel, who fires his own attack at the same time. The two attacks pass by each other and connect with their targets. Both Red Daniel and Malkator are knocked to the ground by the blasts. The silver light around Malkator's arm blades fade, and Red Daniel's aura begins flickering. The two of them slowly get back to their feet, panting heavily.

Red Daniel; Heh. Looks like you're getting a bit worn out heir, buddy.

Malkator; Speak for yourself, mate. You can barely hold that aura of yours together right now.

Red Daniel; Don't kid yourself. I got enough juice left to finish you off.

Malkator; Heh. Well, I still got aa trick left too.

Red Daniel; Oh really? Let's see, then.

Malkator unzips his hoody, exposing a large, vertical mouth on his torso, extending from his collar bones down to his navel, filled with jagged, crimson teeth.

Red Daniel; Whoa! I got a thing for vore, but that's fucking weird, bro.

Malkator; Well, wow do you feel about bondage?

Red Daniel; Well, actually, I'm a pretty big fan of- HRRK!!!

Red Daniel is instantly silenced, as a long, black, prehensile tongue zooms out of the mouth on Malkator's chest, and wraps itself around Red Daniel's throat. It tightens with immense strength and hoists Red Daniel into to the air. Red Daniel's aura vanishes.

Malkator; What's the matter?

Eight more tongues shoot out, grabbing Red Daniel by the wrists, ankles, knees and elbows.

 Malkator; Thought you were a fan.

The tongues pull hard on Red Daniel's limbs, stretching them as a rack would. Red Daniel gasps in pain as his joints pop, and his blood begins hardening around the area's, desperately trying to hold his body together.

Malkator; I think it's time to end this.

Malkator begins slamming Red Daniel against the nearby shelves and floors repeatedly, before tossing him into the air like a ragdoll. He then teleports above Red Daniel and grabs him by the throat. Silver light bursts out from behind Malkator, propelling them both downward, where Malkator slams Red Daniel with all his force into the floor, creating a huge crater. Malkator weakly rises to his fee, staring down at Red Daniel's barely conscious figure.

Malkator; You know, I foresaw this. I even warned you. But you were just too stubborn to listen. Maybe next time, you listen.

Malkator turns and begins walking away.

Malkator; Hurry and flip on that healing factor of yours and be on your way. We're done here.

Later on, at Acelegin's apartment.

Acelegin; Ah. Finally. Back at home, with my junk food, my booze, and my videos.

Pounce; Meow!

Acelegin; Uh, yeah, and you too, I guess...

Red Daniel enters.

Red Daniel; Yo! Ace! I got the things you asked for!

Acelegin; Oh! You actually did?

Red Daniel; Yep! Sandpaper and a cement dryer!

Acelegin stares blankly at Red Daniel for a couple seconds.

Acelegin; Why do I ask things of you?

Red Daniel shrugs.

Red Daniel; You look like shit. Was sparring that intense?

Acelegin's eyes dart to the side awkwardly.

Acelegin; There was a... um... bug...

Red Daniel; A bug?

Acelegin; It was pretty big...

Red Daniel; You squash it?

Acelegin; Uh, yeah! Of course...

Acelegin chuckles nervously.

Acelegin; It was just a bug! A big, stupid bug...

Acelegin examines Red Daniel's batter body and torn clothing.

Acelegin; What about you? You get a fight?

Red Daniel's eyes dart to the side as well.

Red Daniel; Oh, just some British punk...

Acelegin; Who one?

Red Daniel; Um... I did! Duh! Who do you think I am? You should see the other guy...

Acelegin; Okay, cool. I'm gonna go to the store and get the toilet paper and hair dryer that you completely fuck up buying.

Red Daniel; Hey, the things I got can serve the same function if you're brave enough!

Acelegin; Yeah, no. Go take a shower. You look like you were in a train wreck.

Red Daniel; Ugh, fine, mom.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Living With Red Daniel Part 5; The Game

Red Daniel; Okay, here's my pitch! You and I re-enact The Passion Of The Christ.

Acelegin; Neither of us have seen that movie.

Red Daniel; Well, everyone know the J man's story. It can't be that hard to pull off.

Acelegin; This sounds like it would turn out horribly offensive.

Red Daniel; Eh. Probably. What do you care, you're agnostic.

Acelegin; It's a bad idea, dude. Maybe rethink it a little.

Red Daniel; Fine, fine. By the way, I'm gonna have some of the other Daniel's over for a poker game.

Acelegin; Which Daniel's specifically?

Red Daniel; Well, Enhanced Daniel will be here.

Acelegin; You mean Breaker?

Red Daniel; Yeah, yeah, whatever we're calling him now. Then Sentinal's coming.

Acelegin; Didn't he eat you once?

Red Daniel; Eh. It's in the past. And the last one coming along is Green Daniel.

Acelegin; Wait, there's a Green Daniel?

Red Daniel shrugs.

Acelegin; Whatever. I'm going to the bar with Sans. Enjoy your night off.

Red Daniel; Sure thing, dude.

Acelegin; And don't forget the accords.

Red Daniel; Trust me. We'll play nice.

Later that night

Red Daniel; Alright! Beer's cold, snacks are ready, followed Ace's bean dip recipe. We're good to go!

The doorbell rings.

Red Daniel; Oh good! Someone's here!

Red Daniel answers the door. A man almost identical to him stands on the other side. He short, dark brown hair, styles into spikes. His eyes are the same shade of brown, and the right corner of his mouth is badly scarred. He's dressed in black Kevlar clothes, with a metal staff across his back.

Red Daniel; Enhanced Breaker Dude! How you been?

Breaker Hey, Red. Anyone else shown up yet?

Red Daniel Naw, still waiting.

Breaker; Ah. I see.

Behind Red Daniel, a violet rift opens up and another Daniel steps through. He has short hair and purple eyes, and purple markings run down his face. He's dressed in a black shirt and jeans, with a purple longcoat. He grins a Red Daniel and Breaker. Breaker's eyes narrow.

Breaker; Sentinal.

Sentinal; Breaker! Red! It's been so long!

Red Daniel; Ugh, your color scheme sucks.

Sentinal; Speak for yourself, Captain Crimson.

Sentinal locks eyes with Breaker.

Sentinal; I see you came armed.

Breaker; Just in case.

Sentinal; What? You don't trust me to obey the accords?

Red Daniel; Well, you did arrange both of our deaths so that you could absorb us and gain our powers, so...

Breaker; Honestly, I trust Red more than I trust you. And that's saying a lot...

Sentinal shrugs.

Sentinal: Have it your way...

Another Daniel approaches he door. He has long green hair, and green eyes, and wears a green vest over his clothing. He awkwardly waves at the others.

Green Daniel; Um, hey guys. I, um, don't think we've met...

Red Daniel; I believe your identity is obvious. Hello, Green.

Green Daniel chuckles nervously.

Green Daniel; Golly. I guess it is pretty obvious, huh?

Breaker; Who says "Golly", anymore?

Red Daniel; Doesn't matter. Let's get started, shall we?

Meanwhile, at Sal's bar, Acelegin and Ghost Sans meet up with each other and enter.

Acelegin; Yo! Sal! Can I get a couple shots over here?

Ghost Sans; Yeah, the usual for me.

Sal; Sure thing. Have a seat and I'll be right with you.

Acelegin and Ghost Sans have a seat at the bar while Sal prepares two shot glasses. He poor a shot of whiskey for Acelegin and a shot of Heinz ketchup for Ghost Sans. He also poors Acelegin a glass of Diet Coke to serve as a chaser.

Acelegin; Thanks, Man.

Sal; No problem.

Acelegin and Ghost Sans lift their shot glasses.

Ghost Sans; Wait, how am I holding this? I'm intangible, right?

Acelegin; Dude, don't question it.

Ghost Sans; Okay. Cheers!

Acelegin; Cheers!

Acelegin and Sans both take their shots, and Acelegin immediately reaches for the soda to wash the taste out of his mouth.

Ghost Sans; Why do you take shots if you don't like the taste?

Acelegin; Gets a good buzz going pretty quickly. Can I get a beer and a couple steak sandwiches?

Sal; Coming right up.

Ghost Sans; So what's Red up to?

Acelegin; Doing poker with some other Daniel's.

Ghost Sans; You sure it's a good idea to have a bunch f Daniel's hanging out? Won't they ge at each other's throats?

Acelegin; Not as long as the DNA's in place.

Ghost Sans; What does DNA have to do with anything?

Acelegin; Not that kind of DNA. The Daniel Neutrality Accords. I made every Daniel sign it. Well, except the new guy. I'll need to have a talk with him. But as long as it's in place, every Daniel who signed will be forbidden from harming other Daniel's.

Ghost Sans; I feel like this would be a lot simpler if you stuck with one Daniel instead of creating a whole multiverse full of them.

Acelegin; Simplicity is boring. I like a little complication in my life. Besides, without the multiverse, Red Daniel wouldn't even exist. As much as he bugs me, he's still one of my favorite creations.

Ghost Sans; Is that so?

Acelegin; Do not tell him I said that!

Back at Acelegin's apartment

Red Daniel; So, I've got some snacks ready. I made some of Ace's bean dip, but I used a bit more jalapeno than he does.

Green Daniel; Gosh, I can' really handle spicy food. I think I'll just stick to the sour cream...

Breaker; How are we, in any way, the same person?

Sentinal; Let's just stat the game, shall we?

They all sit down at the table. Red Daniel distributes poker chips while Breaker shuffles the deck.

Green Daniel; So, um... read any good books, lately?

Sentinal; I don't read a whole lot. I think the last thing I read was a Kim Harrison novel...

Breaker; I read some old Presidential biographies recently. I found Lincoln's story pretty intriguing.

Red Daniel; You're into that kind of stuff?

Breaker; The president in my universe was a despot working for a Fear. It comforts me to know that some of our leaders were good people.

Green Daniel; What about you, Red?

Red Daniel; Well, I was reading a book by this Severin guy, but I ran into a pretty upsetting chapter, so I'm taking a bit of a break from it.

Breaker; Upsetting? For you? You're the most depraved person I know. You practically embody vice.

Green Daniel's eyes narrow briefly.

Red Daniel; Well, I have my triggers. Everyone does. It was just a moment in the book that shocked me more than I like. I'll get back to I eventually.

The game continues. Breaker and Sentinal's pile of chips gradually diminish, while Red Daniel's grows quite a bit, with Green Daniel close behind.

Green Daniel; Um, I have a quick question for Sentinal...

Sentinal; Alright. What is it?

Green Daniel; Why is your title spelled with an A? Shouldn't it be "Sentinel"?

Sentinal; I'm no mere Sentinel. I am the one true emissary of the Path of Chaos. The "A" in my tite is meant to denote the true significance of my ranking.

Red Daniel leans in and whispers in Green Daniel's ear.

Red Daniel; It's a typo that Ae decided to roll with.

Back at Sal's bar, Acelegin has become relatively drunk, and has finished off his sandwich.

Acelegin; Okay, Sal. One more beer, then I think I'll go home.

Sal; Sure. Give me just a minute.

Acelegin; A'ight.

Acelegin sits in silence for a minute, lost in thought.

Ghost Sans; You okay, man?

Acelegin; Yeah. Just.. stuff on my mind...

Ghost Sans; Think you've had enough?

Acelegin; I'm Irish and German. I've got a tolerance.

Sal returns with another drink for Acelegin.

Acelegin; Hey, Sal. Bit of a weird question, but have you ever read anything by Severin Albert?

Sal; Never heard of him.

Acelegin; What about you, Sans?

Ghost Sans; Can't say I have. Why?

Acelegin; Well... Red's been reading this book by him. And a few days ago, he just slammed the book shut and put it u on he shelf. He didn't say anything about it, but he seemed really shaken by something that was written in there.

Sal; Have you read it yourself?

Acelegin; No. I might sometime. But I'm kind of curios about the guy who wrote it. I haven't been able to find anything about him.

Sal shrugs.

Sal; Whatever's in that book, I'm sure it's nothing to serious.

Acelegin; Yeah. You're probably right.

Back at Acelegin's apartment, the game has nearly concluded. Breaker and Sentinal have both run out of chips, and are now spectating on the game between Red Daniel and Green Daniel, who have an almost equal amount of chips, with Green Daniel being only slightly below Red Daniel. Red Daniel pushes his pile of chips forward on the table.

Red Daniel; All in.

Green Daniel chuckles nervously.

Green Daniel; Golly, I guess I don't have a choice.

Green Daniel pushes his pile of chips forward ad well.

Green Daniel; All in.

Breaker distributes their new hands. Red Daniel takes a look at his cards, discards two of them, and draws two more from the deck. Green Daniel discards three cards and draws three more. They both take a moment to examine their hands.

Green Daniel; Two pair.

Green Daniel lays his cards on the table, revealing the two of spades and two of diamonds, the six of spades and six of clubs, as well as he king of clubs. Red Daniel examines them for a moment before laying his own cards down.

Red Daniel; Higher two pair.

Red Daniel's hand contains  Queen of diamonds, the four of hearts and four of spades, and the Jack of spades and Jack of diamonds.

Red Daniel; Jacks beat eight. I believe victory is mine.

Green Daniel; Gosh. You really beat me good there.

Red Daniel; And now you are all in my debt!

Breaker; Yeah, yeah, I'll get your money soon.

Sentinal; Pfft. Fine.

Green Daniel reaches a hand forward.

Green Daniel; I was a good game. I enjoy it.

Red Daniel looks down at Green Daniel's hand.

Red Daniel; Yeah, I'm not shaking that.

Green Daniel pulls his hand back.

Green Daniel; Fair enough.

Sentinal; I should get back to the path. I'll see you guys later.

Sentinal opens a rift and vanishes through it.

Red Daniel; I guess I'll see you two out, then.

Breaker; Sure thing. I need to get some housework done.

Red Daniel walks them both to the door. As hey leave, Acelegin arrives, and steps up to Breaker.

Acelegin; Hey, man. How you been.

Breaker; Not bad. I gotta go, but I'll see you around, right?

Acelegin; Sure thing.

Breaker leaves, and Green Daniel steps forward to introduce himself, raising a hand to shake with Acelegin.

Green Daniel; Golly! I sure is great to finally meet you, Ace!

Acelegin narrows his eyes a Green Daniel and remains silent. Green Daniel nervously lowers his hand.

Green Daniel; Right, so... I should be off now, but I'll talk to you later about the accords?

Acelegin remains silent.

Green Daniel; kay then... I guess I'll... go now...

Green Daniel leaves.

Red Daniel; God, that guy's a wuss.

Acelegin; I don't trust him.

Red Daniel; What?

Acelegin; I dunno. Just a feeling I got. There's something off about him.

Red Daniel; Pfft. What's off is that he's a pussy compared to the rest of us. Hell, I don't even think he'll need to sign the Accords. He's to pathetic to fuck with any of us.

Acelegin; Whatever. I'm going to bed.