The story takes place in a town called Ashmoor, where 17 children have gone missing. One of the children, Andrew, reappears near a library with none of his memories, and is found by his father and brought home. Later, he hears about another child who has reappeared, and asks to go meet with her. While talkng to the girl, Sam, he learns that not only is she also missing her memories, but she reappeared outside the same library. They decide to go there to investgate. One of the employees there warns them that their in danger, and that the police can't, or won't, help them.
While this is all happening, there is also some other stuff going on. There is another child who seems to be trapped in the Blind Man's domain, and a church is destroyed by the rare phenomina ball lightning.
The story is still in progress, and can be found here.
All in all, I like it so far. It has an intriging story line, and I'm really hoping it keeps going. Good work on the awesome story Tiger. Looking forward to more.
And now, music.
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