Sunday, February 10, 2013

Crystal Journey

So, remember a while back I said I created a video game? Well, I ended up doing some heavy revisions on it, but it's available for download now. Actually, it's been downloadable for a while, but I'm just now mentioning it on my blog. So, here's the download link.

In the game, an evil sorcerer named Asmoherus has created a bunch of crystals that steal energy from the gods. The king of the kingdom of Reylius hires four warriors to go and disable the crystals and defeat the sorceror. The warriors include;

Marcinius, a.k.a. Marce. He's a soldier whe is loyal to the king. He uses a lot of power and defense abilities to combat enemies.

Ferin, the thief king. He was arrested a few months prior to the game's beginning, and was offered freeddom if he agreed to assist the party. He uses speedy attacks, along with a few magic spells.

Kyliana, or Kyli for short. She is a sorceress who works as a mercenary. The king offered to pay her highly to help defeat the sorcerer. She has a lot of magic under her command.

Htims Llahsram, the bard. He is a travelling performer, and a musical mastermind. The king witnessed the kind of magic he can create with his music, and requested his assistance. Seeing it as an opportunity to go on an adventure, Htims agreed. His songs have healing powers, and there are a number of instruments hidden throughout the game that can add statuss effects to his physical attacks. Also, his name is my name spelled backwards, and he was once my old D&D character.

So, I hope you enjoy playing this game.

Also, I'm working on another videogame. I'm not going to go into a lot of detail right now, but I am going to show you all some sprites I made for it.

And here's some mugshots;

Now, it's pretty much manditory at this point for me to post a music video at the end of each of my blog posts, so enjoy some Rehab;

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Acelegin Reviews; Oh God! The Rapture Is Burning! Act 1

This Time, I'm reviewing the first act of Oh God! The Rapture Is Burning! written by DJay32.

The story follows Jordan Dooling, who's world is suudenly consumed by a bizarre apocalypse. He begins encountering zombies, spider-cats, strange "Rabbit Holes" that connect multiple places together, Cockroach Jesus, and, of course, the Fears. Jordan sets off with his waepon of choive (a guitar hero controller called Tiger Stripes) to try and meet up with his online friends and try and find a solution to the apocalypse. Along the way, he makes a few aquaintaces, encounters multiple copies of the Rake, and is forced to serve the Wooden Girl (who is called Harlequin in this story), until he and his friend Donnie manage to lock her in a freezer. They then board a ship to America, and on the journey they end up encountering both EAT (Salmacis) and a Rake copy. All of the people aboard the ship are either killed or turned into Camper, except for Jordan and Donnie. They finally reach America, which is where the act ends.

Now, review time. This blog is crazy, confusing, difficult to follow, and long as hell. That being said, it's one of the best Fear blogs ever, and if you don't go read it right now, I will internet-punch you in the cyber-face. It really is great, with it's complex plot, unique Fear interpretations, and interesting characters. It's one my favorite blogs, and I recommend it to anyone interested in the Fear Mythos. I'll probably get around to reviewing the other acts eventually.

Now, normally I'd end a review with a Vocaloid song or something like that, but in honor of Rapture, I've created this music video for your enjoyment.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Acelegin Revews; We Remember Your Childhood Well

This is a Fear Mythos story written by my pal Max "Tiger" Hallam. It's still in progress, consisting so far of a prologue, and introduction, and six chapters. The main Fear involved in the story is the Blind Man.

The story takes place in a town called Ashmoor, where 17 children have gone missing. One of the children, Andrew, reappears near a library with none of his memories, and is found by his father and brought home. Later, he hears about another child who has reappeared, and asks to go meet with her. While talkng to the girl, Sam, he learns that not only is she also missing her memories, but she reappeared outside the same library. They decide to go there to investgate. One of the employees there warns them that their in danger, and that the police can't, or won't, help them.

While this is all happening, there is also some other stuff going on. There is another child who seems to be trapped in the Blind Man's domain, and a church is destroyed by the rare phenomina ball lightning.

The story is still in progress, and can be found here.

All in all, I like it so far. It has an intriging story line, and I'm really hoping it keeps going. Good work on the awesome story Tiger. Looking forward to more.

And now, music.