Here's some new KH parody scripts, along with Story time with Organization 13
Episode 11; Hehe, Grotto
Xigbar; Hey new kid, have you seen my spare eyepatch anywhere?
Larxene; I think you left it on the bathroom sink.
Xigbar; Oh, thanks.
Larxene; It looks good on you. It makes you look like a pirate.
Xigbar; SHHHHHH! You can't say the "P word" here!
Xemnas; Did someone just say the "P word"!?
Xigbar; Um, no, you, uh, heard wrong. She said, uh, um, pilot! Yeah! Pilot! She's thinking of getting, uh, one of those, um, ...planes.
Xemnas; A plane?
Xigbar; Yeah, a plane. There pretty popular these days, you know?
Xemnas; Okaaaaaay..... Just don't let me hear you guys saying the "p word", got it?
Xigbar; Got it.
Larxene; Why can't we use the "p word"?
Xigbar; Don't ask.
Acelegin; Now, on to the actual episode thing.
Sore; Look, this next world's full of water and stuff.
Donald; Let's land!
Sora; But we'll drown!
Donald; I conveniently have the power to turn us all into sea creatures!
Sora; Cool! I wish I didn't use up all my shrooms in the previous episode, because they would make this experience all the more enjoyable!
meanwhile, thousands of miles awayMaleficent; As you can see, she has no heart.
Riku; Can I save her some how?
Maleficent; You see, there are seven princesses with pure hearts, and they are known as (suspence) ...the Princesses of Heart!
Riku; Mkay.
Maleficent; Any way, they can open the door.
Riku; What is "The door"?
Malefient; The door is everything! All that once was was and all that will be! The door controls time and space! Life and death! The door can see into your mind! The door can see into your soul!
Riku; R-really? The- the door can do all that?
Maleficent; Hehe, no. But it should be able to help your friend.
Riku; Cool!
Maleficent; Now I will give you the power to control the heartless!
Riku; So I can make the heartless do whatever I want?
Maleficent; Yes. Anything you want them to do, they shall do it!
Riku; anything?Maleficent; Except for that.
Riku; Damn.
meanwhile, in AtlanticaSora; Hey, I just had a weird thought. If I'm a dolphin, Donald's an octopus, and Goofy's a turtle, then what the hell is Jiminy?
Jiminy; I'm a sea urchin! You can't see me right now because I blend in so well with your spiky hair!
Sora; Well, that answers that question.
Ariel; Hi, how's things?
Sora; Sweet Jesus! A half-naked mermaid! Sweet!
Ariel; What?
Sora; Nothing!
Ariel; You're pretty good at fighting these monsters. Can you help me get back to my castle?
Sora; Will you put out if I do?
Ariel; What?
Sora; Nothing!
laterTriton; Who are you?
Sora; I'm Sora, and I'm looking for a keyhole. You seen one?
Triton; You're a key bearer, aren't you!? I dislike you for some reason! Your keyblade is nothing but trouble, and I want you to leave! Now!
Donald; Maybe you shouldn't have brought up the keyhole thingy so soon. You could have let him get to know you a bit first, so that he would like you a bit.
Sora; Shut up Donald.
Goofy; He was just offering some constructive criticism.
Sora; Constructive criticism is criticism non-the-less and I want you to stop it!
Ariel; Hey Sora, Let's go to my grotto, I have something I wanna show you.
Sora; Boobs?
Ariel; What?
Sora; Nothing! Dammit, I really need to stop doing that.
Ariel; Look at this thing on the wall. I bet this this crystal Trident would fit perfectly. (inserts trident) Hey, it worked!
Triton; I'm a firin' mah lazer! (destroys crystal trident)
Ariel; Why did you do that! I'm gonna go away and angst!
laterUrsula; Hey, I can help you get to other worlds if you steal your dad's trident for me.
Ariel; I'm not sure I can trust you.
Ursula; I'll throw in a phoenix down.
Ariel; Oh boy! I love phoenix downs!
Acelegin; I think I've used this joke before... Whatever.
Sora; Ariel! You stole your dad's Trident!
Ursula; Mwahahaha! Now I will injure the king so that he can't stop me!
Sora; Why did you trust her?
Ariel; She offered me a phoenix down...
Triton; Keyblade kid, can you stop her?
Sora; After the way you treated me earlier? Yeah right!
Triton; I'll give you these magical ocean mushrooms.
Sora; .........Are they ..... hallucinogenic?
Triton; They make your regular shrooms seem like mere allergy medication.
Sora; hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... You've got yer self a deal.
laterSora; Foul witch, I doth hereby challengith thee to a battle-ith!
Ursula; Mwhat?
Sora; Fight me!
Ursula; I'm gonna use the magical trident to make myself really big!
Sora; Okay- F&@K! I died. Okay, continue. Alright Ursula, let's do thi- F&@K, I died again!
several restarts laterSora; Yes, I finally beat her! I think that was the hardest boss fight so far.
Triton; You can use the trident to reveal the keyhole in Ariel's grotto.
Sora; Hehe. Her grotto.
Triton; What's so funny?
Sora; It's nothing. Nothing.
Sora reveals the keyholeSora; Wow, the keyhole in this world is on a transparent panel thingy. That's so cool!
Goofy; Um, Sora, you kind of need to seal it, instead of just gawking at it's beauty all day.
Sora; Wha- Oh yeah! Right! (seals keyhole) Now let's get the F&@knugget out of here!
Episode 12; Where's the Bathroom?
Acelegin; You see, writing this script is simply my way of showing you and all of your fans just how much I enjoy your games, so there is really no need for you to sue me over my incessant parodizing.
Nomura; Look, I don't know who you are, or why you're in my kitchen dressed in an elephant costume, but I'm trying to cook dinner for my family, so I would like you to please leave.
Acelegin; Right. Sorry. On to the episode.
Sora; Yes! We made it all the way to the 12th episode without stopping to use the bathroom!
Donald; Yeah, but I think I've been holding it in for too long. Can we please stop?
Goofy; Now that you bring that up, I don't remember seeing a single bathroom in any of the worlds we visited.
Sora; Well, I guess we'll just have to hold it a little longer.
Donald; Look, a new world!
Goofy; Maybe they'll have a bathroom!
Sora; Better cross your fingers.
they landSora; Hey, cool, the background music in this world is "This is Halloween". I love this music!
Goofy; It's kinda spooky here.
Donald; I can use my magic to make us scary looking so that we'll fit in.
Goofy; But Donald, you're a talking duck with finger-like wing feathers and I'm a dog that can stand on it's hind legs and use his front paws as hands. Don't you think we're scary enough?
Donald; No! Presto f&@king Chango!
Sora; Why do I have a pumkin shaped eye patch?
Donald; It makes you look good!
Sora; But I can't see a damned thing with this on!
Goofy; Oh no! Heartless!
Sora; Huh, that's weird. Why aren't they attacking us?
Jack; Hi I'm Jack Skellington, and I'm trying to make the heartless dance! Don't you think it will be great for Halloween?
Sora; Sound amusing. How do you intend to pull it off?
Jack; Follow me! We shall go see Dr. Finkelstein!
Goofy; Does he have a bathroom?
Jack; No!
5 minutes laterJack; Dr. Finkelstein, Can you help us make a heart so that the heartless will dance?
Finkelstein; Sure, why not. But first we need to open us this heart shaped box.
Sora; That reminds me of this song... I'll use my keyblade to open it.
Finkelstein; Now we will need to put a frog, to snakes that are eating each other, and this piece of glass which I am now scratching, inside the box.
Sora; I don't undersatnd what any of those thing represent.
Finkelstein; Neither do I, but we still need memory. Go find Sally, she should have some.
15 minutes laterJack; Hi Sally, we need memory, do you have any?
Sally; Yes, I do.
Sora; I am simultaniously arroused and disturbed.
Sally; What?
Sora; Nothing!
Goofy; Do you know where we can find a bathroom?
Sally; No. Listen, Jack, I don't think you should go through with this.
Sora; Who cares what you think? You're a girl! C'mon guys, let's go!
shortly afterwardFinkelstein; We still need surprise. Go find the mayor.
meanwhileOogie; These guys are making a heart? And they want to control the heartless with it? I want that power! Go steal it from them!
Lock; But don't you work for Maleficent?
Shock; Why don't you ask her for the power to control the heartless?
Oogie; Welllllll....
flashbackMaleficent; Oogie, why are all the heartless intoxicated?
Oogie; I thought they would become better fighters. You know, like Jackie Chan in the movie "Drunken Master".
Maleficent; That's it, no more heartless controlling for you.
Oogie; D'oh!
end flashbackBarrel; Wow, that's lame.
meanwhileMayor; Okay, here's the surprise you needed. (hands them a Jack-in-the-box)
Sora; What? How does this represent surprise? It's a box with a twisty thing on it! And when you spin the twisty thingy, all it does is play obnoxious circus music! There is absolutely nothing surpri- (Jack-in-the-box pops) Gah! What the F&@K!
Goofy; Do you know where we can find a bathroom?
Mayor; Nope!
laterFinkelstein; Okay, lets activate it!
Sora; But don't we need awesome?
Finkelstein; Awesome?
Sora; A heart is nothing without awesome!
Jack; But where will we get awesome?
Chuck Norris; I'll help you! (plucks a single hair from his beard) Here you go! Have fun with your video game!
Sora; Wow! Thanks Chuck Norris!
Finkelstein; Okay, let's try this!
5 minute laterJack; The heartless have gone haywire!
Sora; We must have failed in making a proper heart!
Finkelstein; No! My designs are flawless! The only explanation is that Chuck Norris's beard hair contain far too much awesome for the heart to handle!
Lock; We're stealing this heart for our master!
Shock; You guys will never stop him!
Barrel; Yeah, what they said!
Sora; We have to stop them!
laterJack; All right, here's Oogie's manor.
Goofy; You think they've got a bathroom in there?
Sora; I hope so! I have to piss!
Lock; We already gave the heart to Oogie!
Shock; Which means you're screwed!
Barrel; What they said!
Sora; I'ma kill you!
4 seconds laterSora; That boss fight sucked! C'mon, let's go find Oogie!
Oogie; Behold, my giant underground casino!
Goofy; Is there a bathroom in here?
Oogie; Yes, but you can't use it.
Jack; How dare you deny my friends the right to use the bathroom! Prepared to die, Oogie!
Oogie; I'm gonna get wasted so I can be like Jackie Chan! (get's drunk) Whoah, This is the best party ever! Whoops, I torn my burlap skin and all my bugs are falling out. Uh-oh.
Sora; Wow, he killed himself for us. That was easy.
Jack, an earthquake!
Donald; Oh no! Oogie's fused himself with the manor somehow!
Sora; We need to destroy the shadow globs covering his body! Let's do this sh&@!
They kill it and it disappears.Goofy; Oh no! We destroyed the only bathroom in this entire world!
Sora; Oh look, the keyhole was hidden beneath the manor. I'ma seal it! (Seals it)
Jack; Well, thanks you guys! I look forward to seeing you guys in Kingdom Hearts 2!
Goofy; I still need to use the bathroom.
Donald; Yeah, there isn't a single bathroom on this world anymore.
Sora; No, but there are... pumpkins.
Donald; Pumpkins?
Sora; Yes. Pumpkins.
ten minutes laterMayor; Goodbye kids. Now to go check on the pumpkin patc- What the f&@k!? Who the f&@k crapped in the pumpkin patch!
Acelegin; Th-th-th-th-th-th-th-that's all folks!
Episode 13; Opposites
Larxene; What's up with the last episode? It was just Goofy asking where the damned bathroom was. C'mon Acelegin, come up with something better than that, you dumb prick!
Xigbar; You know, you should be careful how you talk about Acelegin. He writes the script, and he could write you out of it if he wanted to.
Larxene; He can't do that, I play an important role in Chain of Memories!
Xigbar; Yeah, but if you want any screen-time between now and then, you'll respect the man.
Larxene; How many episodes before Kingdom Hearts 1 is over, anyway?
Xigbar; Ummm, let's see, There's still Neverland, Hollow Bastion, Traverse Town again, More Hollow Bastion, Then there's... Ummm, Let's see... Carry the one...eight episodes left!
Acelegin; Now for the moment you've all been waiting for... The part that's actually relevant to the story-line!
Voice; Hey Sora, what's up?
Sora; Hey, the voice in my head is back. Where've you been the past few episodes?
Voice; I somehow ended up in Acelegin's head.
Sora; What was that like?
Voice; Man, that guy has some weird thoughts.
Goofy; Oh no, we're gonna crash into that upcoming pirate ship!
CRASH!!!Sora; Ouch!
Riku; Hello Sora!
Sora; Riku! Where's Donald and Goofy!
Riku; Shouldn't you be more concerned about Kairi?
Sora; OMG! Kairi's here! And she's unconscious! I could totally sleep f&@k her!
Riku; What?
Sora; Nothing!
Riku; Sora, we really need to have a talk about this habit of yours. Seriously, you have turrets or something when it comes to perverted comments.
Sora; I don't know what your talking about.
Hook; Are you done yet? Can I throw him in the brig?
Riku; Just a minute.
Sora; What? You're gonna throw me in the brig? Not cool, man. Not cool.
Riku; I'm gonna use the darkness to create a shadow clone of you who is the exact opposite of you in every way!
AntiSora; I am not aroused by the sleeping redhead!
Sora; What?
AntiSora; Everything!
Acelegin; I hope you all got that joke, 'cause I don't feel like explaining it.
Riku; Bye!
Sora falls into trap doorSora; Kairi was really here! She's alive! Somewhat...
Goofy; Well that's great! Now as soon as Riku stops being a massive fa-hyucking prick, you can all be together again!
Donald; Can you get off of me!
Sora; This is vengeance for when you fell on top of me in episode 4!
Peter Pan; Hi, I'm a flying guy who snuck on board to save my love interest! Wanna help?
Sora; Sure! I'm also trying to save my love interest!
Peter Pan; Cool! By the way, this is my pixie friend Tinkerbell!
Sora; I'd totally bone that fairy if I was small enough!
Tinkerbell; Oh, why thank you!
Sora; Noth- Wait, what?
Tinkerbell; Huh?
Sora; It's nothing, it's just that this usually goes a little differently. Whatever, let's go save these chicks!
Donald; How do you fly anyway?
Peter Pan; With the magical power of pixie dust! Here, have some, it's good sh&@!
laterWendy; Peter, Help, I'm locked up! And there's this unconscious girl here too!
Sora; Don't worry, we'll save you!
Wendy; Oh no, We're being taken away by Captain Hook's crew!
Peter Pan; Quickly, we must get above deck!
AntiSora; Hey guys, want some crack?
Sora; Wait, you mean you'd rather do Narcotics instead of hallucinogens?
Donald; And you're offering to share them with other people?
Goofy; You really are Sora's opposite!
AntiSora; I'm going to kill you all!
Sora; You black son-of-a-bitch!
Peter Pan;...
Knuckles the Echidna;...
Sora; ...That sounded racist, didn't it?
AntiSora; Yep.
Sora; Well, prepare to die. (defeats AntiSora)
AntiSora; You may have won, by I will return in Kingdom Hearts 2 as a drive form! Mark my Words! (dies)
Sora; What the hell's a drive form?
Knuckle the Echidna; I dunno.
Acelegin; Alright Knux, that's 2 cameo.3 more and you're outa here.
Hook; I ant all of you to walk the plank or Wendy dies!
Sora; Where's Riku?
Hook; He's gone, now hurry up and walk the plank!
Smee; Cap'n, do you hear that?
Hook; Oh noes! It's the croc that ate my hand! I'm running away, Smee, you take care of them!
Smee; Alright, the Keyblade guy goes first. (leads Sora to the plank)
Sora; What am I gonna do?
Voice; Use the Farce, Sora! Use it!
Sora; Of course! The farce! The invisible force that ties the parody world together, and even has the power to tear it apart! (jumps off the plank and flies back up wielding a lightsaber keyblade) Die, Smee! (kills Smee)
Peter Pan; Awesome, Now we just have to beat Hook! (knocks door)
Hook; Smee? Are they dead yet?
Peter Pan; (disguising his voice as Smee) Yes they are sir, ev'ry last one of them!
Hook; Great, I'm coming out of my room now.
Peter Pan; Knife Rape! (stabs Hook in the ass with his knife)
Hook; Ouch! I'm getting the f@&K outta here! (runs away)
Wendy; Great, now let's go back to London!
Sora; Oh sure, London is in the Kingdom Hearts games, but no Germany. What the F&@k, man?
laterSora; What the f@&k is wrong with this clock? On of the faces is off.
Wendy; Try hitting the hands with your keyblade.
Sora; What if I break it?
Wendy; Who cares, you can fly! The authorities will never catch you!
Sora; Well, when you put it like that.. Okay! (fixes clock and reveals keyhole, then seals it.)
Peter Pan; Hey, Tink, go help Sora by becoming a summon, Mkay?
Tinkerbell; Okay!
Sora; Awesome! I get to travel with a hot fairy!
Tinkerbell; Thank you!
Sora; No- wait... This could take some getting used to...
Acelegin; That's it for this episode. It may be a while before my next post, so please be patient with me (Not that any of you care, I barely get any views as it is. F&@k all of you!)
Bonus Episode; Story Time With Organization 13
Seductive Female Voice; Acelegin Productions, in association with absolutely nobody, proudly presents Story Time With Organization XIII.
Xemnas; Thank you all for coming, I'm glad you all could make it.
Vexen; Why the hell did you call us all here? I was busy with an important experiment!
Zexion; Yeah, what's this "so-called" emergency meeting about?
Xemnas; We're going to have ... Story Time!
Demyx; Are you kidding me!?
Marluxia; Do you know how many porn windows I had to close up in order to make it here!?
Sa'i'x; Just go with it, 'kay guys? The sooner we get this over with, the better.
Xemnas; Larxene, you can go first.
Larxene; Fine, but I wanna here good stories from the rest of you. Here's how my story goes; This morning, I slipped a laxative in one of you guy's oatmeal.
Lexeaus; What?
Xigbar; who was it?
Larxene; You'll see pretty soon.
Demyx; ...I gotta ... Check on my ...sitar ...(bolts from room)
Axel; Why him?
Larxene; He played "I Am All Of Me" by Crush 40 for six hours last night. I wanted payback.
Xemnas; All right, Marley, you're turn.
Marluxia; I said to stop calling me that! Anyway, this one time while I was watching por-
Xemnas; Luxord! Your turn!
Luxord; Okay,well-
Demyx; (burst into room) I'm back!
Luxord; Glad you could make it, chap. Anyway, my story's about the time me and Demyx went to Vegas.
Demyx; Oooh, this is a good one.
flashbackOogie; My boss Maleficent is the coolest person ever! Woooooooooo! (spills drink) Oh, whoops.
Luxord; ...
Oogie; Did that get on your cards? I'm sorry man.
Luxord; ...
Oogie; Are you okay?
Luxord; ... (snap)
Demyx; Oh my God! Luxord, what are you- no, don't do that to his- holy crap that's gotta hurt! Where'd you get that sword anyway?
Cloud; Hey, has anyone seen my buster sword. I think I left it around her- Hey you! In the black coat! Give me back my sword!
Luxord; Not until I've finished killing this bastard!
end flashbackXemnas; Wow, that's intense. Demyx, your turn.
Demyx; This one time, in band camp, this chick stuck a flute in her (pauses) Um, I need to go ... check my sitar's ...tuning ...yeah, I'll be right back. (bolts from room)
Xemnas; Okay, Axel, you go.
Axel; Well, back when I was somebody, my and Sa'i'x here discovered a dead body.
flashbackLea; Wow, this is so weird.
Isa; What should we do with it?
Lea; Wait a minute. I have a plan!
ten minutes laterLea; Is it ready?
Isa; Yeah, now ring the doorbell and run!
they ring the doorbell and run. Even answers door.Even; Hello? Um sir, are you all righ- O my God it's a corpse!
end flashbackVexen; So you're the hooligan's who did it!
Axel; Oh sh@& man, was that you? I'm sorry.
Xemnas; Sa'i'x, you can go now.
Sa'i'x; I have a story about my days working for the Global Fanfiction Publication Department. All fanfics and fanstories had to be approved by me before they can be posted online. My story is about an interesting man I met through my work.
flashbackAcelegin; And I call them; The Sonic/Ace Fanstories!
Sa'i'x; Hmmm I like it. You may begin posting immediately.
end flashbackXaldin; Wait, you mean you're the one you allows Acelegin to get away with writing those Sonic the Hedgehog Fanstories?
Sa'i'x; Hey, Sega seriously let me down with Sonic And The Secret Rings. In my opinion, they deserve to be mercilessly beaten down by a deranged fanboy.
Xigbar; You know, you should be careful how you talk about Acelegin. He'll write you out of the script if you piss him off.
Sa'i'x; Acelegin is a nerdy 21-year-old virgin who has no life and is never going to get lai-
Larxene; Oh My God, where'd Sa'i'x go?
Xigbar; He got written out of the script. I tried to warn him.
Xemnas; Well, I guess it's Zexion's turn.
Xaldin; Yeah, why don't you tell us about how you f@$ked Larxene?
Zexion; Hey!
Xemnas; Oooo, do tell.
Xaldin; Yeah this guy (bleepbleepbleeeeeeeeeep) with his (bleepbleepbleepeepbleepingbleep) And then she (bleepbleepbleeeeeeeeeeep) with a (bleep) elapahant costume (bleepbleepbleep) with a (bleep) chainsaw (bleebleepbleepbleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep) Astronaut!
Zexion; Great, now everyone knows.
Xemnas; Wow. Who's next?
Lexeaus; I believe that;s me.
Xemnas; Okay, go-
Demyx; (barges in) I'm back again!
Lexeaus; Okay. I have a story about when we first got Zexion stoned...
Xemnas; What?
flashbackZexion; Hey guys, I think I'm starting to feel a little high.
Vexen; You're not high until you know what color time is.
Lexeaus; By the gods, my chin is awesome.
end flashbackXemnas; You were getting stoned in my castle?
Lexeaus; um, no this was in, uhh...
Vexen; Halloween Town!
Zexion; Yeah, that's the place. We were getting howed up in Halloween Town.
Xemnas; I've got my eye on you. Vexen, your turn.
Vexen; This one time, I built a laser death ray and destroyed Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Then professor Flitwick chased me into the forbidden forest, where I was gang raped by centaurs and beaten to death by the midget giant, Grawp.
Xemnas; Vexen, are you stoned right now?
Vexen; Maybe...
Xemnas; I'll see you after class young man. Xaldin, your turn.
Xaldin; I remember when went to LA with Axel and Demyx.
Axel; Oh God, not this story.
Demyx; I hate you, man!
flashbackBabe 1; You have cool hair, Axel.
Babe 2; I like you're sitar, Demyx.
Babe 3; I wanna do both of you.
Xaldin; Hey Demyx, Hows your Super Herpes?
Babe 1; Oh my God, you have super herpes?
Babe 2; Gross!
Demyx; No! He's lying!
Xaldin; Oh, and Axel, your boyfriend call, he wants you to pick up a couple ballgags.
Babe 3; Are you gay?
Axel; No, of course not! Wait, don't leave!
Demyx; baby, come back! I'm a rockstar!
end flashbackDemyx; You suck!
Axel; F@$king C*ckblocker!
Xigbar; My turn! My story is about a keyblade master I fought a while back. I was about to beat him, but then he shot me in the face with dark energy!
Larxene; Is that how you lost your eye?
Xigbar; No, I just got a bruise from that fight. I lost my eye in Nam.
Larxene; You were in Nam?
Xigbar; Yeah, I was in Nam. Twice.
Xemnas; I guess I'm the on;y one left huh? I wonder what I should talk about...
Larxene; Tell us about Mathaxsan.
Marluxia; Dude, you're not supposed to remind him of that!
Axel; I thought you got it memorized?
Xemnas; No no, calm down. She deserves to know the truth. You seen, a long time ago, I met this girl at a bar named Samantha.
flashbackXemnas; (sobbing) All I want is to complete Kingdom Hearts so I can become a real person so I can take over all worlds and rule everything! Is that really so much to ask?
Sam; You look like you could use another drink.
end flashbackXemnas; And after an awkward afterglow, we started hanging out more.
Zexion; What's an afterglow?
Xemnas; Shut up, Zexion. Anyway, she ended up becoming a nobody and joined the organization shortly after Larxene.
Larxene; If she joined after me, how come I never met her?
Zexion; It took us a month to find robes that fit you.
Larxene; Oh.
Xemnas; Anyway, while everyone else was out shopping, I took Mathaxsan out for a recon mission.
flashbackMathaxsan; Wow, there's a lot of water in this world.
Xemnas; Oh, Mathaxsan, you look so beautiful under the moonli-
Barbosa; Yargh! They be rival pirates!
Xemnas; What? No we're not!
Barbosa; Fire all cannons!
Xemnas; Mathaxsan!
end flashbackXemnas; And that was the end of her.
Larxene; Is that why you hate the word "Pirate"?
Xemnas; Stop saying the "P word"!
By the way, "Getting how" is now the new, hip way of saying "Getting high". Let's see how popular it gets.